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BPM Technology

BPM Technology

Business Process Management

BPM is the digital transformation for business. It uses workflows to deliver real-time, actionable information.

How can we help?

Find out key features of our solution: BPM

We have been delivering customized BPM solutions to customers for many years, and have gained very rich experience with industrial top BPM engines. Based on what customer needs, we implement a full customized BPM system based on reliable platform. We follow standard approaches to ensure a quality, fast and smooth implementation, which will deliver instant benefits.

About BPM

BPM stands for Business Process Management. It focuses on improving corporate performance by managing and streamlining business processes. These processes can be structured and repeatable or unstructured and variable.

BPM enables automated action based on pre-defined rules so that security measures and or exception management processes can be initiated. Because "the size and complexity of daily tasks often requires the use of technology to model efficiently" when resources in technology became increasingly widespread with general availability to businesses to provide to their staff, "Many thought BPM as the bridge between Information Technology (IT) and Business."


Critical IT issues BPM addresses

• Managing end-to-end, customer-facing processes

• Consolidating data and increasing visibility associated data and information

• Increasing the flexibility and functionality of current infrastructure and data

• Integrating with existing systems and leveraging architecture

• Establishing a common language for business-IT alignment


Steps to implement BPM solution

An BPM solution will be implemented and maintained following below steps:

• Design:

Process design encompasses both identification of existing processes and the design of "to-be" processes. Areas of focus include representation of the process flow, the factors within it, alerts and notifications, escalations, standard operating procedures, service level agreements, and task hand-over mechanisms. Whether or not existing processes are considered, the aim of this step is to ensure a correct and efficient new design.

• Modeling:

Modeling takes the theoretical design and introduces combinations of variables, e.g., changes in rent or materials costs, which determine how the process might operate under different circumstances.

• Executing:

Business process execution is about enacting automated business process. Automated business processes are software-driven workflows. BPM software suites are positioned at the business process layer to implement these workflows. Meanwhile, business rules are applied to the workflows for governing behaviors.

• Monitoring:

Monitoring encompasses the tracking of individual processes, so that information on their state can be easily seen, and statistics on the performance of one or more processes can be provided.